
ifw atv snow laws
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dog license

Some of the services provided at the Town Office include:

Dog Licensing

  • $6 for altered dogs (spayed/neutered)
  • $11 for unaltered dogs

All dogs need to be licensed upon reaching the age of 6 months in the town where it resides. Or after the dog has been with the family for 10 days, if adopted. All dogs not licensed by December 31 are subject to a late fee (except new licenses).

Visit for help with vet bills, stray cats, or lost/found animals.

Notary Public
Free for Livermore Falls residents

$0.50 per page (8.5×11″)
$1.00 (deed)
$1.00 (property card)

$1.00 for the 1st page, 25-cents each additional page

FOIA Requests
1st hour is free, $25.00 each additional hour

BMV Registrations

Vital Records
$15 for the first copy, $6 for each additional copy

Visit’s website for additional information.

Intention to Marry
$40 per application

Declaration of Domestic Partnership (VS-70)
Send Application and $50 to Maine CDC

Recreational Licenses and Registrations

Visit IF&W’s website for additional information or to register online

Payment of Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes
Payments may be made in-person or mailed to the office. We do not accept payments via phone or wire transfers. Cash or check only.

General Assistance Program
Download an application here
General Assistance helps individuals and families to meet their basic needs. This may include help paying for:

  • Household or personal supplies (toiletries, cleaning supplies)
  • Food
  • Housing (e.g., mortgage, rent, room rent, temporary housing)
  • Fuel & utilities
  • Medical, dental, prescriptions, medical supplies/equipment
  • Burial costs

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