Our website has downloadable BMV forms that you can fill out at home to help save time when you come into the Town Office. They’re also useful for knowing what information will be asked of you during your visit.
Please note that if some of these forms are not filled out in-person at the Town Office they must be notarized.
Active-Duty Excise Exemption Form (MV-7)
*Bring this form to the Town Office or a BMV office
Antique Auto (MV-65) (vehicles 1996 and older)
*Must be notarized if not filled out at the Town Office
Application for Disability Plates/Placard (PS-18)
*Bring this form to a BMV office or via mail/fax
Application for State of Maine Identification Card
Duplicate Title Request (MVT-8) (printable PDF) (online form)
*Printed form must be mailed to BMV
Lost License Plate (MV-9)
*Bring this form to the Town Office or a BMV office
Lost or Duplicate Title (MVT-8)
*Printed form must be mailed to BMV
Name Addition/Deletion on Registration (MV-138)
*Must be notarized if not filled out at the Town Office
Surviving Spouse or Rep Affidavit (MVT-22)
*Must be notarized if not filled out at the Town Office
Vanity Plate (MV-45)
*Take this form to a BMV office. The Town Office can’t process vanity plates. Don’t forget to pay your excise tax at the Town Office first.
Vehicle Registration/Plate Cancellation (MVR-60)
*Must be notarized if not filled out at the Town Office

Interested in getting a specialty plate or vanity plate? Specialty plates are available at the Town Office. We have many of the plates offered, from Animal Welfare and UMaine to Troop Support and the new Lighthouse plate. Fees apply, and vary depending on the plate.
Vanity plates can only be obtained from the BMV. You can pay your excise tax at the Town Office, then head to the BMV to get your vanity plates. Vanity plates are an additional $25/year. Use this website to check if your vanity plate is available, and to see which specialty plates the State offers. You can also order online. https://apps1.web.maine.gov/online/bmv/vanity/index.html